6 Easy Steps to Speed Up Your Hiring Process
Everyone knows that the success of any business or organisation is dependent on its staff. Therefore, making the right hiring decision is crucial.
When it comes to recruiting, time is of the essence and the longer it takes to find someone, the more it costs and the more frustrating the whole process becomes.
So how can you speed up this process?
1 The Need
Identify the need for the position. Did this role come about as a result of a resignation or a promotion? Make sure that you really need this person and that there is no one within the organisation that could take on this role? Will you still need this person if there is a decline in turnover?
2 The Job Description
The Job Description must be as detailed as possible. The last thing you want is to sit across from a prospective candidate and halfway through the interview one of the Line Managers pipes up to say that they need the incumbent to perform a function that was not included in the Job Description. This will set the process back as you are now wasting time interviewing an unsuitable candidate. So, ensure the entire reporting line has had input in preparing the Job Description.
3 The Recruitment Agency
If you are enlisting the help of a Recruitment Agency, it would be advisable to appoint a recruiter that specializes in your industry. Specialist recruiters have an in depth understanding about the industry they recruit in and would have a more effective screening process. They would also have an existing database of experienced, screened and available talent. This will, in turn, shorten your search cycle.
Ask the Agency to send you references for each applicant – tell them to check specifics if needs be, i.e. if the role is for an Accountant, verify that the applicant was honest in his dealings and that the previous employer has no hesitation in recommending them for a similar role.
4 The interview
A panel interview is the most time efficient. Try have all decision makers in the interview. This shortens the interview cycle and eliminates the need for the candidate to return for a 2nd or even a 3rd interview.
5 The Expectations
Managing expectations is one of, if not the, most important aspects of a successful recruitment process. There is nothing more frustrating than going through the entire process, making an offer and then the candidate declines. Establish the prospective candidate’s salary expectation and whether these are in line with the company’s budget. Make sure the salary on offer is discussed from the onset and that the applicant understands the package structure. If you are quoting a ‘cost to company’ package, ensure the candidate understands what this entails. Sometimes the CTC looks very attractive and in the candidate’s mind he will be walking away with a lot more than he will in reality – so explain, explain, explain. This will eliminate confusion when the actual offer is made.
Another important facet is the reason for leaving. Always probe their reasons for seeking alternative employment. Just know that if their reasons are financially motivated, chances are they will take a counter- offer from their exiting employer when the time comes for them to resign.
6 The Offer
Always make your best offer. Let the applicant know that you will not entertain any counter offers. As a rule of thumb, an offer should be a minimum increase of 10% of their current salary – but this could be higher dependent on scarcity of skill. Also bear in mind that if your offer is not lucrative enough the chances of their current employer extending a counteroffer is very high.
Published by Luisa Da Silva, Property Executive Recruiter, 010 593 4901
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Johannesburg, 2195
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